🔍║ FAQ

How do I mate or pair a male and female with the same birthstone and kingdom?

You can find the information in the ⁠💘┊level-up channel.

Is mating or pairing possible yet?

Yes, it is possible. Check the ⁠💘┊level-up channel for details.

How long will the current wave last?

A: Wave 1 will finish in a few days. An official announcement will be made soon.

Q: Is there any benefit to participating in specific waves, or can we wait to mate our pairs?

A: All waves are the same. The only difference is that with each wave, there will be fewer frogs available for mating. If you already have matched pairs, you're good to go.

Q: Is there any benefit to leveling up Frogs besides obtaining evolution stones?

A: Yes, leveling up increases the rarity of your NFTs and grants extra points/voting rights on the kingdom wallets. For example, a level one frog equals 1 point, a level two frog equals 2 points, and you also get 2 evolution stones, which are worth 1 point each. So, a level two frog with 2 evolution stones totals 4 points.

Q: Are kingdom wallets already separated?

A: Yes, there are 9 wallets for each kingdom and 1 wallet for royal frog holders. 50% of all secondary revenue is split into these 10 wallets.

Q: Can we make it so people with multiple kingdoms get fewer voting points than those loyal to one kingdom?

A: Each kingdom wallet works the same. It's up to everyone where they want to focus. You can focus on one kingdom or build power over multiple kingdoms.

Q: Are evolution stones wallet-bound, and can whales control everything by buying them off the secondary market?

A: Evolution stones are "kingdom" bound. This ensures that community members who play the level-up game have an advantage over those who just buy higher-level frogs from the secondary market. You can always trade frogs and evolution stones in the future if you decide to focus on another kingdom.

Q: If I sell my frogs, will I still have voting rights?

A: Yes, you will retain voting rights if you own evolution stones.

Q: Should I focus on a specific kingdom or consider trading in the future?

A: For now, it might be wise not to focus too much on a specific kingdom. You can always trade frogs and evolution stones in the future if you decide to change your focus. If you find any listed evolution stones for your kingdom, grab them!

Last updated